3 Reasons Why You’re Feeling Burned Out

3 Reasons Why You’re Feeling Burned Out

Are you feeling burned out in your marriage?

Are you constantly stressed and overwhelmed?

Are you exhausted all the time?

Are you feeling lonely and depressed?

Maybe you’re growing resentful of your partner.

You might be secretly asking yourself, “Did I marry the right person?”

Or wondering how long your marriage will last if nothing changes.

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone.

5 Questions for Your Weekly Marriage Meeting

5 Questions for Your Weekly Marriage Meeting

Are there conversations you avoid, and conflicts that have gone unresolved for too long?

Do you feel like you and your partner are drifting apart and turning into that boring couple you swore you’d never be?

Well, it’s probably because you’re not having a weekly Marriage Meeting.

Why The Communication In Your Marriage Sucks

Why The Communication In Your Marriage Sucks

I talk to couples every single day about their relationships. When I ask them what their biggest struggle is, 9/10 of ten they say, “Communication!”

“We keep having the same fights over and over again.”

“My partner just gets so defensive. We literally can’t talk about anything.”

The Power of Wives with Laura Doyle

The Power of Wives with Laura Doyle

Is your husband more interested in video games, work, or sports than you?

Do you feel like he’s checked-out? Has he stopped caring about your marriage?

Are you trying to think of ways to convince him to go to therapy?

Do you wonder why he doesn’t seem to care about your happiness or your marriage?

Do you ever feel rejected, hurt, sad, abandoned, afraid for the future of your marriage?

If so, you’re not alone.

My Mandalorian Christmas Miracle

My Mandalorian Christmas Miracle

Last year my wife had tears in her eyes as she watched The Mandalorian season one finale with me.

We just found out we had a miscarriage.

We’d been trying to have a baby for a while, and the heartbreak of losing what we expected to be our first child was especially hard on my wife.

She was never a Star Wars fan, but she seemed to get a profound sense of comfort on a weekly basis watching “Baby Yoda” appear on our TV screen.

She grew attached to the little guy. He seemed to fill part of the hole our unborn child left in my wife’s heart.

All she wanted for Christmas was to hold her own Baby Yoda.

Rethinking Porn Addiction

About once a week I get a message from someone asking what to do about porn...

Here's how it usually plays out. (Not always... but usually.)

Husband secretly watches porn.

He's been doing it off-and-on for a while. Often times it's when he's feeling lonely, stressed, overwhelmed, or depressed...

He hates himself for it because it's against his values...

He feels like he can't stop...

And he's afraid that if his wife finds out, she'll divorce him and he'll lose everything.

The wife finds out.

Sometimes her husband confesses...

Sometimes she discovers it...

Most of the time she feels hurt. Even betrayed.

She has lots of unanswered questions.

"Why did you keep it a secret?"

"What else are you hiding?"

"Do I even know you?"

"Am I not enough for you?"

"How long has this been going on?"

They start looking for a solution.

The immediate question for most people is "How can we make the behavior stop?"

They reach out to therapists, religious leaders, maybe even friends and family.

They start doing research online.

They want answers. Help. Support. Direction. ANYTHING...

Some people join Facebook groups.

Others go to a treatment program for "porn addiction," or therapy for "sex addiction."

Others try to figure it out on their own.

And too often, the result of these paths is that it kills the intimacy in the relationship.

One partner (the wife) is turned into the monitor. She doesn't want to get hurt again. She doesn't want to lose her marriage...

So, she starts monitoring his internet and phone use. She asks for his passwords. Takes him to therapy/treatment. Checks in with him regularly...

And she does all this with the hope that her husband won't have another "slip up"... while hating the fact that will probably happen.

While all this is happening with the wife, we turn the other partner (the husband) into a selfish, immature perpetrator without self-control, or a moral compass. He is constantly fed the message he is unworthy of trust, and will always (eventually) disappoint his partner.

He walks around in constant fear that he could make one mistake and lose everything.

Nobody hates himself more than he does... and that's saying something.

How is a couple supposed to thrive under these conditions?

There has to be a better way to overcome this struggle...

A way that will create space for intimacy and trust to be rebuilt, while still allowing for accountability and shared values to be explored.

And that's why I decided to participate in the Rethinking Porn Addiction conversations.

Every week I get together with a group of friends, therapists, and sometimes our wives.

And we show what it's like to have healthy, shame-free, productive conversations about porn.

We examine our upbringings, our stories, our judgments, and experiences with curiosity.

And we explore the principles and values of sexual health: shared values, honesty, consent, non-exploitation, shared pleasure, and prevention of STI's and unwanted pregnancy.

This is the first of those conversations.

I want to invite you to check it out. (And share it with a friend who might need it.)

And if you want more, check out Rethinking Porn Addiction.

Are You Stuck in Roommate Syndrome

Are You Stuck in Roommate Syndrome

I have a confession to make…

My marriage has slipped into Roommate Syndrome.

I could blame it on a lot of things:

My wife surprised me with an announcement last year that she was pregnant… which was AWESOME!

But it also meant that the next few months were full of nausea, exhaustion, and weird food aversions, which made date night hard.

Then COVID hit.