30 Day Challenge

Forgive & Forget - Day 17


Day 17 - Spiritual

“Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” -Buddha

Offense, hurt or pain. These are emotions experienced when feeling wronged in one way or another. Associated with that, you have also likely been on the receiving end of an apology. If so, you’ve been given an opportunity to forgive. Someone says they’re sorry and you (hopefully) choose to give up anger and resentment for kindness and compassion. Giving and accepting apologies, in a life filled with human error, is a common occurrence.

Recently I learned something very interesting about the order of forgiveness. The above scenario has always been how I would describe the forgiveness process. However, that is actually an example of what is called conditional forgiveness. Meaning that compassion comes only on the condition of the request— an intriguing distinction.

In a 2011 article called Forgive to Live: Forgiveness, Health and Longevity, it was shown that those who could only forgive if others said “sorry” first were more likely to die earlier, compared with those who practiced unconditional forgiveness. This positive correlation was evident through healthier endocrine, cardiovascular and immune systems for those that extended higher levels of empathy. You read that right. Your ability to offer unsolicited grace may actually increase your mortality!

If you’ve ever held onto anger towards someone as punishment for their wrongdoing, you were likely unaware of the physical (not to mention, emotional) harm you were actually causing yourself. Below are 5 physical health benefits of forgiveness:

1. Lowers stress levels

According to a study done by Hope College reseachers, one of multiple health benefits of forgiveness is lower levels of cortisol. (Remember that cortisol is our body’s stress hormone. Chronically increased level of cortisol lead to elevations in blood sugar, depressed immune response, increased fat accumulation and loss of cognitive function). Seventy-one participants' physical responses were monitored when speaking of past grudges compared to responses when discussing compassion. Those who displayed more forgiving perspectives had lower cortisol levels and resulting less physiological stress.

2. Keeps your heart healthy

Forgiveness is good for the heart—literally. One study suggests that people who hold on to anger have higher heart rates, while those who are more empathetic and able to forgive tend to have lower heart rates.

3. Lowers pain

Letting go of anger may help your body better adapt to pain. According to a study done by Duke University Medical Center, the ability to empathize and forgive boosted the physical and emotional ability to process pain. Out of 61 subjects who suffered from chronic back pain, those who were more likely to forgive reported lower levels of pain.

4. Lowers blood pressure

In an interview of 108 college students, multiple measures were taken of blood pressure and other stress responses while discussing past betrayals. Those more inclined to forgive had lower blood pressure levels. Multiple studies continue to show the link between lower blood pressure and forgiveness.

5. Extends life

In the previously mentioned study, Forgive to Live, adults ages 66 and older who were more forgiving in nature, tended to live longer. If this isn’t the most compelling reason to give up a grudge, then I don’t know what is!

If the above evidence isn’t enough for you to starting letting past grievances go, there is also a connection between the ability to forgive others and the likelihood of forgiving yourself. Research published in the Journal of Positive Psychology showed that people who made amends with a friend for a wrongdoing were essentially giving themselves an okay to make and accept their own mistakes in the future. Forgive others of their guilt to let go of your own.

If you’re reading this and recalling wrongdoings that hurt you, let them go. The damage only goes deeper the longer you hold such grievances in your heart. Without condoning such actions, we as human beings can extend compassion. We can forgive. Not because forgiveness is requested or deserved but because we require and deserve the peace of body and soul that comes with the offer of unconditional, God-like grace.

Daily Challenge

I often find when I choose to discuss certain topics it is myself that needs that particular instruction. In writing this, I must admit that I had two particular pains from previous relationships continue to come to mind. Even though their occurrence was years ago, the cuts were still fresh, inflicted now by my own hand.

Look inside yourself today. It likely won’t take long to remember a relationship or interaction where you felt wronged. Examine your feelings in regard to this situation and truly ask yourself if you have let this go. Now, choose to forgive. Understanding that in doing so you are not excusing the action but giving yourself the freedom to move on, both in body and spirit. Forgiveness… do it for you!

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[jbox title="About the Author:" border="5" radius="15"] Megan HeadshotMegan is a Doctor of Audiology, Holistic Nutritionist, wife, yoga-lover and ever-evolving health aspirer. Having transformed her own health, she’s eager to help you transform yours. She believes in power in its purest form: FOOD. Whole foods, to be precise. So pick up a fork and join her in a revolution of habits, health and happiness. A WHOLE new life awaits! Read more about her reformation of health and wellness at My Whole Food Habit.[/jbox]

Throwback Thursday - Day 15


Day 15 - Social/Emotional

Throwback Thursday. I confess that I really had no idea what this term meant until about a month ago. I’d seen it posted behind a hashtag all over social media but quickly dismissed it due to my lack of understanding. Only recently did I learn that this weekly trend encourages social media users to look back and share a fond memory, usually in the form of a picture, from their past.

Let me just say that I’m not a super savvy trend follower on social media sites (clearly). In fact, I occasionally revolt and refuse to participate just out of spite directed at really no one in particular. I only recently caved and joined Instagram solely because my father mentioned in passing the inspirational quotes he continued to see on my friend’s "feed” (I figured that was a pretty clear sign that it was time). Due to this distaste for peer pressure compliance, I had inwardly vowed never to participate in this “silly” social media movement.

The reason I tell you this is because I, Megan Mansfield, am about to not only participate but dedicate an entire post to Throwback Thursday. Why? What does this have to do with health and wellness, you ask. If you’ll allow me to stray from my typical scientific-based review of daily topics and instead share a personal story, I’ll explain.

A few weeks ago I was sitting in a specialist’s office waiting for what felt like an eternity for the doctor to grace me with her presence. This day’s wait seemed particularly lengthy because I was waiting to receive results regarding a potentially serious health condition. As I sat propped up on a paper-covered table clothed in my ever-so-fashionable hospital gown, I felt my thoughts slip from the land of the rational to the depths of negativity. I imagined the doctor speaking the words of the worst possible scenario. It might as well have happened, for as soon as the imaginary-movie within my mind ended, my anxiety meter spiked to epic proportions. Before I knew it, I was feeling near tears.

Dramatic? Perhaps. But the good news is I’d rather lose my pinky toe than cry in public (okay, that was dramatic). Moisture creeping at the corner of my eyes was my check back to reality. I knew I needed to reel it in.

I leaned back and started trying “positive thinking”. Have you ever tried that in the midst of a crisis or cruddy day? As humans, the portal from positivity to negativity is often easy to go through but difficult to return.

Suddenly, for no reason in particular, I started thinking about my family and a vacation we took over 18 years ago. My 3 siblings and I were spending the evening at the hotel while my parent’s enjoyed a much deserved dinner out. We took this parental freedom and played games, goofed off and at one point, I may or may not have been deceived into thinking I had ESP. This sudden flood of favorable times brought such a warmth into my heart and started an avalanche of childhood memories. I remembered the times we played “tester-choice” in the kitchen to see who could create the most delicious treat. Falling asleep to my mother’s stories of her gator-catching Grandaddy infiltrated my consciousness. Lazy days spent drawing upside faces on our chins and then hanging off the back of our blue sofa to record nonsensical conversations between bald-headed faces played across my memory.

Suddenly, I felt the corners or my mouth tweak into a smirk. I might as well have been plucked straight from the physician’s office and been planted firmly in the pleasurable days of my delightful childhood.

What I realized was remarkable. Memories had controlled my mood. This was not a contrived exercise where I tallied off terrifically “positive” things while sitting in a sterile office but genuine joy that sprung forth through a small moment spent reveling in charming recollections. I’d never attempted, or even known, the power of such a simple act.

This is not a new idea— using positive memories to control mood. Memory is a powerful thing and is constantly being studied to better understand its influence on human action. A study completed in 2007 by Gillihan, Kessler and Farah showed a positive correlation in over 300 men and women between memory recall and effective mood regulation. There was also a correlation between negative memory recall and mood worsening— so keep it upbeat cause this is a two-way street.

Interestingly, this memory-mood connection also works in the inverse. When our mood is elevated and focused on positive thoughts, neurons are activated that actually improve your ability to remember (source). This means if you’re studying for an exam or preparing for a presentation, thinking cheery thoughts while you’re working channels improved memory recall, resulting in improved performance.

It was an accidental but influential “Eureka!” moment I stumbled upon that day in the doctor’s office. The truth of it was rooted in research but its significance to me went much deeper. As a woman, or more accurately as a human being, I often feel my emotions are running me as opposed to the opposite. To have gained such exact and immediate control on the brink of breakdown went beyond exciting— it was empowering.

So here I sit, tasting the tartness of every letter I type. Eating my words is beginning to be a staple diet for me it seems. Yet, I’m willing to sacrifice a little ego in exchange for the merit I see in a social media movement as it connects to my experience that day. Perhaps there is something powerful in something that appeared silly. Call it what you may, but today, enjoy the essence of a little Throwback Thursday.

Daily Challenge

Today’s challenge is simple. Participate in your own personal version of Throwback Thursday by remembering a time, event or moment in your life that elicits nothing but pure pleasure. Let these thoughts permeate your mind and mood… they have the power, I promise. Don’t hoard this happiness either. Share your restorative rememberances via picture or post on social media.

I’d love to share in all your cheery recollections so don’t forget to hashtag #MyWholeFoodHabit and #Loveumentary or share on My Whole Food Habit’s Facebook page.

In a show of good faith, I will share my own Throwback Thursday moment— a commemoration of the original memory that brought a smile to my face during a dark moment in a doctor’s office all those days ago.

Chin smiling MM

P.S. I highly recommend you go out and redo, reimagine or recreate your memory to really leave a happy imprint in your heart. This was just as fun to replicate with my hubby now as it was to remember doing all those many years ago as a child.

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[jbox title="About the Author:" border="5" radius="15"] Megan HeadshotMegan is a Doctor of Audiology, Holistic Nutritionist, wife, yoga-lover and ever-evolving health aspirer. Having transformed her own health, she’s eager to help you transform yours. She believes in power in its purest form: FOOD. Whole foods, to be precise. So pick up a fork and join her in a revolution of habits, health and happiness. A WHOLE new life awaits! Read more about her reformation of health and wellness at My Whole Food Habit.[/jbox]

Busting the No-Brainer - Day 14


Day 14 - Intellectual

"It's a no-brainer.”

Sound familiar? You’ve likely heard or even spouted it off yourself when responding to what you feel is any easy choice. We are creatures of habit, often deciding issues based on snap judgments and gut reactions. This can result in “no-brainer” behavior with little to no mental effort influencing our perceptions and selections.

Do the following: Repeat the word “joke” out loud three times to yourself. Now quickly, what’s the white part of an egg called?

A majority of you likely responded by saying yolk. However, the question was what the white part of an egg is called... albumen. Your brain was conditioned to the “oak” sound simply by reciting it three times. You just conditioned yourself in less than 5 seconds! Isn’t that amazing? That is a no-brainer. A response formulated by habit. No thinking applied. responded with a no-brainer— yet completely incorrect— response when presented with a straight-forward question. You reacted in habit-bound behavior.

Now try this: Fold your arms. Which arm is on top? Mine is always my right. Quickly reverse the position with your bottom arm on top. Not so easy, is it? When I attempted this simple switch, I literally had to slow myself down. It required focus, making me feel akin to a kindergartener taking my first crack at scissor skills. Clearly, folding my arms in a specific way is habit-bound behavior for me.

We are all human beings and that means we are susceptible to, and often are, preconditioned. What makes this phenomenon truly intriguing, though, is that these programmed perceptions, and their resulting reactions, are as unique to the individual as code is to a computer. Even when we all receive the same stimulus input, the output varies.

For example, we’ll use the following image you may have seen previously.

Young women and old lady photo

What do you see? Is it the profile of a young woman with her head turned away or a weary old beggar woman with face downcast?

There is no right or wrong answer in this case. Again, part of what makes us beautiful as a human race IS our ability to perceive similar stimuli in new and different ways. This capacity opens the door to creativity, invention and problem-solving. However, if you either cannot or choose not to see beyond the initial image (whether beauty or beggar) you are undoubtedly missing something, losing out on potentiality and possibility.

Assumptions can block our ability to see novelty based on our brain's conditioned response. The egg white question, in contrast to the picture activity, most certainly had a correct answer. Yet, most of us (myself included) answered incorrectly.

This leads me to my capstone question for today:

Are you missing out on answers or even potential possibilities due to your preconceived notions?

You may apply this question to any of the following: a life problem, a political stance, health beliefs, religious or spiritual predisposition, professional opinions, and/or relationship disagreements. Whatever your individual circumstances, still ask yourself.

We will never be effective problem-solvers or possibility-spotters if we do not exercise the ability to go beyond the no-brainer mentality and examine our assumptions.

As the philosopher Marcel Proust once said:

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands, but in seeking with new eyes.”

Daily Challenge

Part of being intellectually well is being open to new ideas and opinions both in life—and in love. Looking (and responding) beyond our immediate assumptions or beliefs is the key to opening a door to fresh understanding that can deepen companionship and character. So don’t delay. Take your darling by the hand and dare to discover what new ideas await.

Items you’ll need:

•Two pencils

•Two pieces of paper

•Your preconceived notions (oh wait, you already have those)

As a couple, select a topic that you and your spouse disagree on. This may range from an opposing political opinion to a disagreement on whose responsibility dish duty is.

Give yourself a few minutes and write down every immediate thought, idea, aspect or argument you have for feeling the way you do.

When you’ve completed this, switch papers. In the last 3 seconds, you have just obtained your law degree (you’re welcome) and with it has come your very first case. You must now present the evidence to defend your partner's opinion only using the evidence written on the paper before you.

Don’t do this half way. Really act as though your reputation, profession and payout relies on your understanding and explaining the merits of the arguments that sit before you.

At the end of your dialogue, discuss your experience. How does it feel to go against your natural inclination? What do you see now that you’ve viewed this picture from an alternative angle? Most importantly, what insight have you gained into the personal perceptions that drive you and your partner’s ideas?

Next time you open your mouth to disagree, think about this exercise and have the courage to examine your assumptions. You many find there’s an entire wealth of new ideas—in life and love—just waiting to be explored. That's a no-brainer! ;)

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[jbox title="About the Author:" border="5" radius="15"] Megan HeadshotMegan is a Doctor of Audiology, Holistic Nutritionist, wife, yoga-lover and ever-evolving health aspirer. Having transformed her own health, she’s eager to help you transform yours. She believes in power in its purest form: FOOD. Whole foods, to be precise. So pick up a fork and join her in a revolution of habits, health and happiness. A WHOLE new life awaits! Read more about her reformation of health and wellness at My Whole Food Habit.[/jbox]

High on Hydration - Day 13


Day 13 - Physical

The human body is more than 60 percent water. Blood is 92 percent water. Both your brain and muscles are made up of 75 percent water. Your skin contains 64 percent water. Even your bones aren’t “bone dry”- water is 22 percent of their makeup.

H2O. It’s what makes us work!

A human can survive over a month without eating food but only a week without water.

There’s no denying the importance of this essential element and I’m confident I’ll not be the first or the last to counsel you regarding adequate consumption. So if we all know it— why are seventy-five percent of Americans still chronically dehydrated?

We spend hours working our muscles in the gym, days reading books about the best diets and countless dollars on health food every year. Yet, we’re missing the mark when it comes to providing what nearly every major system in our body depends on to function. Perhaps we don’t fully comprehend beyond quenching our thirst what water really does after it passes our lips: brain function, hormone production, temperature regulation, shock absorption for the spinal cord, digestion, blood and body oxygenation, lubrication of joints, waste elimination, saliva formation, cellular survival and reproduction… need I go on? If we were told there was a “superfood” out there that would improve almost every biological function in your body, you bet your bottom dollar that most of us would be scrambling for the supermarket to get our hands on it.

So what happens when we don’t get enough of it? Dehydration. Simply put, this is when your body is using up more water than its taking in. This can lead to symptoms such as dry mouth, fatigue, thirst, decreased urination, dry skin, headaches, constipation and dizziness. With more dehydration, symptoms become even more severe: rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, fever, sunken eyes, no urination, extreme thirst, shriveled skin, delirium and even unconsciousness.

So how do you know if you’re getting enough water? Waiting till you feel thirsty or until you feel the above symptoms likely means your body is already feeling the drought. A common recommendation is the 8x8 rule: an eight ounce glass, eight times a day. This is a good guideline but keep in mind that your body’s water requirement may vary from your neighbors depending on your health, lifestyle, exercise-level and/or food choices. A person who exercises regularly will require more water to replenish what is excreted by sweating. When illness strikes, increased fluid intake is essential to restore what is lost through side-effects such as diarrhea. A breastfeeding mother will need to consume more water to maintain an adequate milk supply. A good indicator to know if you’re adequately hydrated is the color of your urine. According to the Mayo Clinic, clear or light-colored urine indicates healthy hydration. Dark or amber-colored urine is typically a signal your body is dehydrated.

I hope we feel appropriately educated regarding H2O up to this point. However, I’ve learned through experience that education without inspiration means very little when putting knowledge into practical application. So pop over to my blog, My Whole Food Habit, to see some fresh ways to boost your water intake, including how to liven up your liquids, fun tools to tote your H2O and innovative apps to keep your hydration on track.

Daily Challenge

Today’s challenge is to make a water wager. First: Pick a companion. This may be your significant other, a co-worker or any of your daily comrades. Each of you set a goal for the amount of water you will consume today. Use the 8x8 guide (an eight ounce glasses eight times a day) as a starting point and adapt as you feel necessary for your health and lifestyle. Second: Pick your prize. Each of you select a specific reward you will give yourself at the end of this day if you meet your goal. Mine was as simple as a good book in a bubble bath to close out my night. Yours may be purchasing that new song your ears can’t get enough of on iTunes. Now drink your way to victory!  Soda, sports drinks or coffee— they don’t count— so keep your water free of sugar and additives today. Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of peer pressure. Text, email or otherwise remind your hydration partner throughout the day to ensure you both finish this day off with a water win.

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[jbox title="About the Author:" border="5" radius="15"] Megan HeadshotMegan is a Doctor of Audiology, Holistic Nutritionist, wife, yoga-lover and ever-evolving health aspirer. Having transformed her own health, she’s eager to help you transform yours. She believes in power in its purest form: FOOD. Whole foods, to be precise. So pick up a fork and join her in a revolution of habits, health and happiness. A WHOLE new life awaits! Read more about her reformation of health and wellness at My Whole Food Habit.[/jbox]

Cold Courage - Day 12


Day 12 - Social

Today we’re trying something new. A reprieve from reading. In lieu of my post, I present to you a special treat to kick off our week.

For those of you who’ve never had the opportunity to watch a TED Talk, you’re missing out on a wealth of inspiring messages and presenters offering innovative ideas and research. TED was started in 1984 under the slogan, “Ideas Worth Spreading”… and this particular one I’m about to share (a favorite of mine) most definitely fits the bill.

Ever wanted to speak to someone but been too intimidated to try? Longed to take a leap towards a life dream but fear of failure prevented the launch?  

We’ve all been there— the spot where comfort and familiarity stand off against discomfort and fear. In this TED talk, Joel Runyon, a javelin-throwing, world-traveling, triathlete talks about taking on the seemingly impossible by starting with an intriguingly simple daily practice. S0 cuddle up with your companion for 10 minutes of learning about some serious (and literal) cold courage.


Daily Challenge

I think you already know where this one is going. My challenge and Joel’s challenge are one and the same. Don’t focus on 30 days. Just commit to tomorrow. It’s one day. One unique opportunity towards getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. And who knows? You may discover that "impossible" lies closer than you think after stepping outside that confining cage we call comfort.

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[jbox title="About the Author:" border="5" radius="15"] Megan HeadshotMegan is a Doctor of Audiology, Holistic Nutritionist, wife, yoga-lover and ever-evolving health aspirer. Having transformed her own health, she’s eager to help you transform yours. She believes in power in its purest form: FOOD. Whole foods, to be precise. So pick up a fork and join her in a revolution of habits, health and happiness. A WHOLE new life awaits! Read more about her reformation of health and wellness at My Whole Food Habit.[/jbox]

Take Two - Day 11


Day 11 - Physical

Whew, we dug deep yesterday. I hope you received an increase, (even if only an inkling) of inspiration, personal understanding, direction or love while illustrating the beauty that is your own spiritual wellness. If you missed yesterday’s post or the opportunity to do the associated challenge, go back and invest the few minutes to read and complete the exercise. On day 1 we talked about laying a solid foundation to build our newly defined wellness— Day 10 was one of those crucial bricks. Don’t skip it.

Building foundations, digging deep, investigating our intentions, accepting vulnerability… it’s heavy stuff. And nothing works up a hearty appetite like some emotional heavy-lifting! So I’ve decided this is an ideal time to cut brain and body a little break. We’re over a third of the way into our wellness reformation and I think we deserve a little reward for all our efforts.

A year and a half ago, my idea of a reward would be busting out the Rolo’s and Oatmeal Cream Pies. I’d been programmed since I was a wee one, as many of us are, that such "goodies" were tied to good behavior and good times. Sweet treats of this variety were almost always present on vacations, at happy times and holidays.

As an adult, I’d justify the consumption of such sugary confections with a simple statement of, "How bad could it really be?" How much of anything could one compact Rolo really contain? Chocolate and caramel, I presumed, as I chomped away. Which is why when I looked further I was startled to learn that 21 (yes, twenty-one!) ingredients were inside this tiny treat barely bigger than the size of a quarter. This gave me pause. Twenty-one? Could that really be right?

If the 21 ingredients made me wonder, then the 44 ingredients inside just one of Little Debbie's Oatmeal Cream Pies absolutely frightened me. Forty-four ingredients! The sheer number is shocking enough (ask yourself when you’ve ever made a recipe with 44 ingredients listed). Now recognize the inclusion of artificial coloring and trans fat (which you can sleuth out yourself whenever seeing the word “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” on a label). Still not enough to cause you concern? How about the 11 common allergens also packed into one pie—  soy, MSG and gluten-- just to name a few. Little Debbie’s sweet red cheeks under straw hat smiling at me from the box didn't look quite so innocuous anymore.

Food is no longer food.

It’s almost unrecognizable with all its unidentifiable additives. When I fit met my nutritionist, Dustin Strong at Strong on Health, one of his very first recommendations was to pare back the processed foods. I listened intently, nodded confidently and left his office under the allusion that I understood fully what that meant. Processed food. Sure. I’ll just avoid those two aisles in the grocery store, I thought.

After becoming more educated about what processed foods (or foods changed from their natural state) really meant and gaining some serious label literacy, I was shocked to learn for myself what scientists already estimated:

Processed foods make up a whopping 70% of what most of us eat.  

70 percent! Yikes. At first, this was discouraging. Did this mean I was stuck in a sugar-less life lurch— doomed to the depressive idea of zero desserts or indulgences till the end of time?

Heavens no! Life is enjoyable and eating should be a part of that enjoyment. By all means, let’s celebrate with a delicious treat! But here’s a novel idea: let’s do it with real food. That’s right. Whole foods: unrefined, additive-free with actual identifiable ingredients.

Enter today’s treat from me to you… pineapple ice cream. A delectable, indulgent dessert that is impressive not just in its ability to tantalize your taste buds but to keep your ingredient count to a comfortable and impressive number: TWO.

Daily Challenge

You and your sweetie have been working hard on your wellness reformation and deserve a reward. It’s time to take two. Two ingredients. Two people. One amazing recipe. Don’t mistake uncomplicated for uninspired. The beauty behind this frozen treat is the burst of flavor provided by nature alone. So whip up a quick batch appreciating the only unknown lies in how much lovers prattle you’ll be able to fit in around luscious bites of pineapple pleasure.


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[jbox title="About the Author:" border="5" radius="15"] Megan HeadshotMegan is a Doctor of Audiology, Holistic Nutritionist, wife, yoga-lover and ever-evolving health aspirer. Having transformed her own health, she’s eager to help you transform yours. She believes in power in its purest form: FOOD. Whole foods, to be precise. So pick up a fork and join her in a revolution of habits, health and happiness. A WHOLE new life awaits! Read more about her reformation of health and wellness at My Whole Food Habit.[/jbox]

Spiritual Wellness - Day 10


Day 10 - Spiritual

Today’s post is difficult. It is the first dedicated solely to the topic of spiritual wellness. Due to the complexity and individuality of this topic, I’m hesitant to provide much education as I typically would during this part of my daily writings. You see, in order for us to improve our spirituality during this month, I feel it necessary for us to define this crucial aspect of wellness. And yet, I am grossly under qualified to even attempt such a massive and blanket assumption for each of you. Instead, if you’ll allow me, I’ll simply attempt to provide (understanding I am no priest, pastor or prophetess) guidance to help YOU define your own individual spiritual wellness.

In order to do this, we do need to discuss some basic and common foundations of spiritual wellness. Every person’s spirituality or spirit is unique to them (again, which makes this difficult to discuss on a mass scale). Even as you read these words, they enter your psyche and are filtered through a framework completely custom to you. This framework was created through a combination of several things:

Beliefs, values, religion, family, history, hopes, dreams and motivations. All of these dynamic variables combine to create an intricate tapestry that serves as our moral map to interpret life’s events, interactions and experiences. 

For our purposes today, we are going to call this your spirit— or the very deepest part of you that makes meaning of your world. Who you are. Why you’re here. What your purpose on this Earth is. The answers all lie within the spiritual framework you’ve personally created for yourself. This is after all, a common definition of spirituality: discovering meaning in life and knowing your purpose.

Some people find this purpose through religion, mediation, yoga, prayer or other spiritual practices which connect them to God, Earth and/or energy. However you connect or practice spiritual wellness, having clearly defined values, beliefs and morals provided a basis for key states of compassion, love, forgiveness and joy— all necessities for spiritual fulfillment.

So whether you’ve defined your spiritual practice or you’ve never even stopped to wonder what spirituality means to you… I hope you’ll take the opportunity to do the exercise below. Not because it is today’s daily challenge but because there is something beautifully reflective in beholding a visual representation of the people, passions, power and practices that frame your purpose on this Earth.

Daily Challenge

What you’ll need:

- A piece of paper

- A pencil

1. Draw yourself in the center of the paper. This isn’t an art project so make yourself as simple as you’d like. I drew myself as a circle with my name inside.

2. Immediately around you, draw in the people most important to you. I call these people my “inner sphere”. They’re the people that are dear to me, the ones I admire the most, turn to in crisis and love above all others. You may put as many or as few of these important people in as you’d like.

3. Around your inner sphere of people, draw a large square. Inside this box I want you to write the words that drive your interactions with those people. For example, a couple of mine were love, support, honesty and loyalty. There are no right or wrong answers here. So write the words as they come to you, without judgement or filter.

4. Once you’ve filled your box with the values that make up your core relationships, draw a triangle on top of your box (Ah, a roof!). In the top of your newly constructed house, write in your most meaningful life goals. Take a minute here and let your dreams wander unrestricted. Where does your future lead? Those important people you just drew below can help. Your life’s direction is often shaped by them.

5. You’ve filled the top of your house with your ambitions, now go underneath it to focus on something equally (if not more so) important: your foundation. Why are you the way you are? Some examples might include religion, cultural traditions and God. This ground beneath you is where you have chosen to build your relationships, life and love. Think about some of the most rewarding events in your life, the choices you made to get there and why you made those choices.

6. Lastly, draw a tree next to your home. Say hello to what makes your life beautiful and enjoyable! For example, health and wellness filled the trunk of my tree. Off of which, branched many of my life’s most enjoyable activities: running, travel, laughing, reading, yoga, cooking and learning. Your tree may represent art, music or other activities. These may all branch from one main passion or you may have an entire orchard of life’s enjoyments filling the space around your house.

Once you’ve completed the above 6 steps, put down your pencil. Now look at your picture all together. What sits before you is much more than a simple sketch of paper and pencil. You’ve just illustrated the people, values, motivations, purpose, passion and beauty that make your life significant. So take a moment to meet, reconnect or at the very least, enjoy… a piece of your very own spirit is now smiling back at you.

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[jbox title="About the Author:" border="5" radius="15"] Megan HeadshotMegan is a Doctor of Audiology, Holistic Nutritionist, wife, yoga-lover and ever-evolving health aspirer. Having transformed her own health, she’s eager to help you transform yours. She believes in power in its purest form: FOOD. Whole foods, to be precise. So pick up a fork and join her in a revolution of habits, health and happiness. A WHOLE new life awaits! Read more about her reformation of health and wellness at My Whole Food Habit.[/jbox]

Power of the Plank - Day 9


Day 9 - Physical

Going back to the “less is more” theme, I present today’s physical fitness all-star: the plank. Trending in fitness blogs and magazines, the plank is all about taking it back to the basics. A fundamental with the strength to tighten and tone.

So why is this simple movement ranking as a favorite among the fit of the fit? Mainly for its powerful core strengthening abilities that bridge the gap between you and that ever elusive six-pack. But progressing towards your perfect physique doesn’t just stop there. Just because you’re not doing any active movement while completing this exercise doesn’t mean the muscle activation isn’t going full body. Stay propped up on those elbows there, Superman, because neck, shoulders, biceps, bottom, thighs, calf, chest and lower back are all engaged while simply holding your own body weight off the floor. You can also expect some super benefits, including the following, when tapping the power of the plank:

- A toned belly

- Reduced back pain

- Flexibility

- Improved mood

- Improved balance and posture

Not too shabby considering it’s something you can drop down and do right now. (Really, like right now... You know where this is going). No special equipment, clothing or cost needed! All while giving your body benefits far beyond those you’ll obtain doing countless crunches on the floor.

As in all fitness activities, appropriate form will either make or break your outcome (and possibly your body!). I know, I know. You’re thinking, “How hard could it be?” Humor me. Watch the follow 2 minute video explaining how to plank appropriately. Don’t spin your wheels by skipping this step. Two minutes is a small investment to make to get the traction you need to really take off.


Daily Challenge

Partner planking. It’s a new sport. I just invented it… and it’s about to bring “love” back into the same sentence as “exercise”.

Pick a spot on the floor with your partner where you can both plank, face-to-face, close enough to touch (yep, this is about to get good). Grab your phone or a timer and lay it face up between the two of you. Now get both those bods off the ground into your appropriate plank position (because you invested the 2 very important minutes to watch the video, right?). Start the timer.

Once the first 10 seconds roll by, you’ve earned your first reward. Keep that body up but plant a kiss on your sweetie. I’ll let you decide how many seconds you’d like to tick by engaged in this extra-curricular cardio exercise.  After another 10 seconds? Another smack-a-roo for the both of you. How many kisses can you get in before gravity wins out? It’s a companion competition, a body battle, partner planking… you two vs. the floor as you strengthen both your body and your relationship core!

Bonus Tip: Planks are easy peasy to incorporate into anyone’s day. My coworkers and I bust them out twice daily on breaks or sometimes as a pick-me-up after that afternoon slump. I like to get one done before hitting the hay after a busy day or even compete against those boring commercials to see who will end first. Get creative and share with us your favorite time and place to pull out the plank!

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[jbox title="About the Author:" border="5" radius="15"] Megan HeadshotMegan is a Doctor of Audiology, Holistic Nutritionist, wife, yoga-lover and ever-evolving health aspirer. Having transformed her own health, she’s eager to help you transform yours. She believes in power in its purest form: FOOD. Whole foods, to be precise. So pick up a fork and join her in a revolution of habits, health and happiness. A WHOLE new life awaits! Read more about her reformation of health and wellness at My Whole Food Habit.[/jbox]

Sweet Exchange - Day 8


Day 8 - Physical/Social

Cravings. We all have them. You’re merrily typing away in the middle of your afternoon when one thought permeates your consciousness and comes barreling at you like a semi: Snickers. Must. Have. Now. Starburst. Chips. Coke. Whatever your specific craving may be… it often leads to a mad dash to the nearest vending machine or convenience store in an attempt to scratch that overwhelming itch.

So why the sudden onset of desire for specific foods? Studies suggest that mental imagery may be a key component of food cravings.

When you crave a specific food, a vivid image of it appears in your mind. One study even suggested the clearer the image, the stronger the craving.

The brain then zeroes in on this image and your mind-body connection is activated. Resulting in a forceful report of, “I want! I want!”. It's only been a matter of seconds, but now you can hardly move on with your day or think of anything else. It's a natural reaction that activates mental imagery and it requires a large part of your cognitive function. Meaning your brain has a very difficult time moving past this overwhelming illustration dominating your thoughts.

The good news? The same study also showed that this phenomenon can work in reverse.

Volunteers experiencing a craving for a specific food reported a reduction in that particular craving after they engaged in some mental imagery of their own accord.

Simply thinking of common sights such as a rainbow, smells like eucalyptus or patterns like those on a checkerboard were all shown to reduce food cravings in study subjects.

The mind is a powerful thing, they say. Well, saddle up, my friends cause today is your day to harness that power and direct your daily choices (and your taste buds) towards satiation of the healthier and happier variety.

Daily Challenge

Each time you crave something sweet today, close your eyes for a moment and imagine the face of someone most dear to you. Your partner, friend, family member or co-worker. Visualize their face. What color are their eyes? Hair color and style? What makes their face unique and endearing to you-- Dimples? Freckles? Don't hesitate to think about the details. Now visualize their mouth as it slowly forms into a long and lasting smile. You’re likely experiencing some very pleasing thoughts at this point: warmth, appreciation, love. All powerful replacers to fight off that sudden junk-food frenzy which was happening in your mind only moments ago.

Now take that energy you would have spent acquiring that sugar-laden confection and send a kind text to the person you’d visualized. It’ll be a “sweet exchange” that’ll last you a lot longer than a baked good, soda or piece of candy ever would!


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[jbox title="About the Author:" border="5" radius="15"] Megan HeadshotMegan is a Doctor of Audiology, Holistic Nutritionist, wife, yoga-lover and ever-evolving health aspirer. Having transformed her own health, she’s eager to help you transform yours. She believes in power in its purest form: FOOD. Whole foods, to be precise. So pick up a fork and join her in a revolution of habits, health and happiness. A WHOLE new life awaits! Read more about her reformation of health and wellness at My Whole Food Habit.[/jbox]

Big Tease - Day 7


Day 7 - Intellectual

Brain fitness. Ever heard of it? Chances are you’ve likely engaged in some cognitive cross-fit recently without even being aware of the exercise. Math problems, puzzles, Rubik’s cube, sudoku, crosswords. Brain teasers, we call them, and they’re doing more than just mind-tickling pleasure passers.

Experts of brain games explain that doing these tasks can awaken dormant cells in our brain. When these brain cells are highly stimulated, unused genes are suddenly reactivated. This gene reactivation leads to a brain better able to fight off disease. Just two hours a week of these novel activities is suggested to slow down mental decay—or the decrease in cognitive ability that naturally comes with age.

Two hours. That's one movie a week, a few television episodes here and there. A seemingly more than fair trade when the payout is as impactful as better brain function.

Other reasons to put down the remote and engage in some stimulating child’s play:

  • - Provides emotional satisfaction and sense of accomplishment
  • - Enhances memory and processing speed
  • - Helps reduce the risk of dementia
  • - Improves concentration
  • - Reduces boredom

The best part of this news? You don’t even need to solve the puzzle to reap the benefits of the exercise. So take heart if you're feeling amongst the not-so-smart in the brain teaser box. Go at that complicated math problem free of pressure knowing even if you get it wrong... your brain is doing something right! Just make sure to mix it up. A variety of puzzles is important to maximize the above health benefits.

Daily Challenge

Grab your cutie and your competitive spirit and take a crack at these 4 short, simple and stimulating brain teasers. If you like a challenge that includes a reward as much as my hubby and I do, then raise the stakes. Dish duty? Foot massage? Laundry folding? Pick your prize— or your poison… it’s a battle of the wits!

Can You Count? (it’s sometimes the simplest of tasks that can be the most interesting) 


Dupe the Stroop (the Stroop test of evaluates your ability to pay attention)


Catch the Number (a test of peripheral vision, hand-eye coordination & short-term memory)


Bus Brain Buster (a test of visual logic)


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[jbox title="About the Author:" border="5" radius="15"] Megan HeadshotMegan is a Doctor of Audiology, Holistic Nutritionist, wife, yoga-lover and ever-evolving health aspirer. Having transformed her own health, she’s eager to help you transform yours. She believes in power in its purest form: FOOD. Whole foods, to be precise. So pick up a fork and join her in a revolution of habits, health and happiness. A WHOLE new life awaits! Read more about her reformation of health and wellness at My Whole Food Habit.[/jbox]