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Is Anxiety Wrecking Your Relationship? With Dr. Kathleen Smith

Is Anxiety Wrecking Your Relationship? With Dr. Kathleen Smith

I didn’t even realize how much anxiety was subtly wrecking my relationship until I read Dr. Kathleen Smith’s book, Everything Isn’t Terrible: Conquer Your Insecurities, Interrupt Your Anxiety, and Finally Calm Down.

Dr. Smith’s book helped me realize that I’ve developed extremely effective anxiety coping mechanisms that kept me confronting my insecurities and weaknesses head-on.

Stonewalling: The 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse

Stonewalling: The 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse

Stonewalling is the 4th of the Four Horsemen of the Marriage Apocalypse. Here’s where you can catch the past installments that cover Criticism, Defensiveness, and Contempt.

Stonewalling is when you shut down, and completely tune your partner out. You act like you couldn’t care less about what they’re saying.

Contempt: The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Contempt: The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Today we’re going to talk about the 3nd Horseman of the Marriage Apocalypse… contempt. Click here if you want to learn about the first or second horsemen.

Dr. Gottman calls contempt the sulfuric acid of love.

Needless to say, contempt is frickin’ dangerous if it’s present in your relationship. So pay attention to this post, because I’m going to teach you how to deal with contempt when it shows up, and then set up protections to prevent it from ever creeping back in!

Defeating Defensiveness: The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

Defeating Defensiveness: The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

Defensiveness is the second of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It typically shows up right on the heels of the first horseman: Criticism. (Click here to learn about the First Horseman of the Apocalypse here.)

Defensiveness is the trap my wife and I fall into most often.

Defensiveness is always an attempt to protect yourself from a perceived attack. A defensive response usually implies, “The problem isn’t me… it’s you!”

Criticism: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Criticism: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

In marriage, one thing is a given: At some point, you and your partner are going to disagree on something.

It might be something small like where to eat for dinner on your next date night, what brand of toothpaste to buy, or which Netflix show to stream next. Or it could be something big like how to manage your finances, how you’re going to spend your holidays, or how often you’d like to have sex and who should initiate.

3 Reasons Why You’re Feeling Burned Out

3 Reasons Why You’re Feeling Burned Out

Are you feeling burned out in your marriage?

Are you constantly stressed and overwhelmed?

Are you exhausted all the time?

Are you feeling lonely and depressed?

Maybe you’re growing resentful of your partner.

You might be secretly asking yourself, “Did I marry the right person?”

Or wondering how long your marriage will last if nothing changes.

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone.