Growth Ecosystem Pt 1: The First Step to Unlocking Your True Potential


On last week’s podcast episode, I told you that after interviewing hundreds of madly-in-love couples, and the world’s top marriage experts (like Dr. Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages, or Drs. John and Julie Gottman from The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work), I pieced together a powerful, life-changing principle that nobody else is talking about.

Yet, the most fulfilled couples on the planet are living this principle… most of the time without even knowing it…

I call it The Growth Ecosystem.

The idea is that if you want a seed to grow, all you need to do is put it in the right ecosystem:

  1. Give it access to sunlight

  2. Plant it in fertile soil

  3. Water it regularly

That’s it.

You could try out other strategies…

You could try bribing the seed. You could try to convince it to grow by using persuasion or guilt-tripping. You could yell at it, or beg it to grow…

But it will only grow when it’s in the right ecosystem.

You are no different!

Ever set your sights on a goal? You’re determined to make some improvement, or lasting change in your life?

You grit your teeth, and you muster all your determination to white-knuckle your way to growth.

… then a few days later (or weeks, if you’re lucky), you burn out, lose focus, and things go right back to the way they were before.

And what I’ve found is that the reason most people (and most couples) don’t experience the growth they so deeply desire…

The reason their untapped potential never gets fulfilled…

Is that they are in the wrong ecosystem.

Just like a plant needs can’t help but grow when they’re in the ideal ecosystem, humans will naturally unlock their potential without the white-knuckling, and tooth-clenching, if they’re simply placed in the right ecosystem!

And just like the first part of the plant’s growth ecosystem is the sun, the first piece of human’s growth ecosystem is all about having an ideal to strive for.

You can learn about why that’s important in today’s podcast (embedded above).

What’s the goal or ideal you’re striving for? Leave a description of the version of yourself you’re trying to become in the comments!

P.S. Wanna know what it’s like to LIVE in the Growth Ecosystem for a month? We’ve got a special experiment we’re setting up for WIVES ONLY! Register for the Epic Wives Experiment.

The goal is to give you a taste of how much better you can make your marriage with less effort on your part, simply by putting yourself in the rich ecosystem.

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