Masturbation. Yes, we're talking about it.



The “M” word makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Historically, it’s wrapped up in a lot of morality, myth, taboo, and judgement.

In this episode we talk about where the discomfort around masturbation comes from, how to examine where you got your beliefs about masturbation, and provide you with some great questions you can ask to come to your own conclusions.

If you want to go through some of the questions and the exercise we talked about on the podcast, just put in your email here, and I'll send you a worksheet I put together for a course I'll be releasing soon that will walk you through everything. It's awesome:



Kristin is involved in many practices and projects with the goal of improving sexual health in individuals, couples, families, communities and institutions. 

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, Kristin sees clients at her mental health clinic, The Healing Group, teaches human sexuality as an Adjunct Professor at The University of Utah in the College of Social Work, hosts the largest professional conference in the rocky mountain region, The Rocky Mountain Sex + Intimacy Summit. 

Kristin is co-author of, “Real Intimacy: A Couple’s Guide to Genuine, Healthy Sexuality” and is working on her second book, “Yes!  You Can Talk To Your Kids About Sex.” 


Real Intimacy: A Couples' Guide to Healthy, Genuine Sexuality

By Thomas G. Harrison, MSW, LCSW, Kristin B. Hodson, Alisha Worthington, BSW, SSW