Think you are someone who doesn't have a fantasy?


We have never met a man or woman who didn’t have a fantasy.  Whether it’s having your partner finding a babysitter, planning a date night and whisking you away or trying a new adventure in the bedroom—the spectrum of fantasy is a fun and powerful tool to incorporate into your relationship.  You might be surprised at what you learn about the art and power of fantasy in a relationship whether you ever act on one or not.

The art of fantasy can feel a bit risky. 

Kristin has met with many women and clients. When approached with the question, “What is your fantasy?” they say, “Oh I don’t have one.” 

She immediately calls BS and says, “Oh, yes you do.  Everyone has a fantasy.”  Look at how Twilight and 50 Shades of Gray took the nation by storm.  You can’t tell me women don’t have fantasies. You simply need to get in touch with them. 

First, let me say that fantasy doesn’t have to mean erotic or kinky.  Many of you may have the fantasy of your partner coming through that door after work or on a Saturday morning and grab that trashbag by it’s handles, throw it over their shoulder and march it out of the house like he's on a mission.  That, right there, is a fantasy. 

It’s important to start wherever you are at with this and build.  But being in touch with your fantasies is an important part of increasing your desire.  You don’t even ever have to act on them!  Couple’s and individuals can live off of the EROS of a fantasy for years. 

Check out the live recording of this episode: