How Kickstarter Will Help Me Overcome My Fear Of Commitment


"If you can't commit to this project, how will you be able to commit to a woman for the rest of your life? Or a family?"

My friend, Melissa's words hit me like a ton of bricks... mostly because she was right. When it comes to commitment (especially commitment to big, long-term things), I have a history of being a coward.

Some Context

A few months ago, I had the idea of launching a Kickstarter campaign for The Loveumentary. My goal would be to raise somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000 to take the podcast from state to state across the country for several months to meet incredible couples and capture the nation's most incredible love stories.

I have been super excited about the idea, but too terrified to pull the trigger.

Ok, afraid is an understatement. I've been terrified like a giant sissy-face-la-la-bed-wetter.

I kept thinking of all the reasons I'd fail. All of the obstacles that stood in my way seemed insurmountable. I convinced myself that the time wasn't right... I can wait and do this later when I have a larger audience/when the podcast is financially sustainable/when I have a cohost that I can go with me/when I have press contacts built up to help me launch a successful campaign... you see what I'm getting at here.

I've been waiting for the ideal time. I've been waiting for the stars to align. And the fact of the matter is that the the ideal time does not exist. Opportunity does not just show up on your doorstep one day, take you by the hand and say, "Hey, I know you've been waiting for me. Sorry I'm late. Let's do this!"

Melissa knew this... and she called me out. And when she did, I knew I had to do something about it, or I'd be stuck in this pattern of non-commitment forever. So, I decided I'm going to do this. I'm going to make my dreams a reality and take The Loveumentary to the next level. It's time to (as Nike so perfectly states it) Just Do It.

The thing is, I can't do this without you. I just can't. This project started out as my project... my quest to find the stories and unravel the mysteries of True Love and maybe even discover it for myself. But it has quickly become OUR project. These stories and experiences I'm documenting are yours. The message of love may be personal, but it is also so incredibly universal. And if this thing is going bi-costal, well, I need you...

Here's How You Can Help

If you like the idea behind this Kickstarter campaign, I would LOVE your help. Here are some ways you can get involved:

Join this private Facebook Group where you'll get a first look at the Kickstarter pitch video, the perks for the campaign, and a bunch of other stuff. Your opinions, input, and ideas on how to make these things even better will be SUPER valuable.

[jbutton link="" halign="center" size="xxlarge" color="blue" rounded="no"]Top Secret Facebook Group![/jbutton] You can also join the Facebook Group if you have any skills or talents you would like to donate to the cause. Maybe you're an amazing writer, editor, or PR whiz and would like to help me put together my Kickstarter page or a Press Kit. Maybe you've got some radical photography skills and you want to contribute to the Loveumentary Instagram account. Or possibly you're a design genius and want to  help with some cool Kickstarter Perks I've got in mind. Maybe you're a videographer who has some input on how to make the Kickstarter video freakin' awesome.

Do you have ideas of couples I need to meet and interview? Are there any awesome people you know that I could crash with along my journey? Do you know bloggers, journalists, or anyone else who would want to help spread the message of True Love?

If you fit any of these categories, join the group, or drop me a line.

If you don't think you have skills to contribute, or time in your schedule, that's ok... you can still give me feedback about how to make The Loveumentary podcast or blog better. Tell me what you love so far. What do you want to see more of? What can I do to make The Loveumentary into something you would want to share with your friends and family? Just drop me a line here with any ideas. Be blunt and honest. I can't get any better unless I know what needs improving.

I'm committed to staring my cowardice in the face and giving it the beat down. I'm committed to seeing things through to the end, even if they become difficult. Even if that means failing.

Let's take The Loveumentary to the next level... together. Your support would mean more to me than you could possibly imagine.

[jbox title="Thanks for reading!" border="5" radius="15"] Thanks again for helping make THe Loveumentary what it is today. If you'd just like to keep up to date with the Kickstarter, click the button below.

[jbutton link="" halign="center" color="blue" rounded="no"]Loveumentary Kickstarter Page[/jbutton][/jbox]